Sunday, 16 April 2017

Even when it makes no sense! (Questions).

Verse of the day - Eccl 9:11  "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all"

Hi all,

I guess happy new year is in order even though its month 4 already ..yikes!!! As explained this blog thing is an experiment with no pressure on myself in any way so i post it as it comes. I will just go straight to the point for this one.  I have asked myself a lot of questions in the short lifetime of mine.

I often wonder why things happen the way they do.

 Why there are so many poor people in the world?

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why life is unpredictable and full of surprises?
 Why we can't see the future but yet we make plans?
Why is it that sometimes the wicked seem to prosper even more that the good?
Why  do friends and family betray each other?
Why is it the ones we love don't love us back?
Why  is it that the ones that love us we don't love back?
Why do we take a step even when we know it is wrong?
Why can't we hear God clearly even though he speaks?
Why is it that the answers we seek may be staring us point blank in the face and we still miss it unless someone else slaps reality into us?
Why do we allow ourselves to learn from experience rather than  from other peoples mistakes?
 Why men and women keep making the same mistakes generation after generation?
Why some get up after a set back but some keep falling?
Why we always complain even while we are blessed in so many ways?
Why our head and hearts never listen to each other?
Why the heart has a mind of its own?
Above all when these questions run through my mind I found a song that gives me peace for that moment so I will share it below:
 Just stay encouraged and remember to Live. laugh and love.

Just B


1 comment

  1. I love this song, listened to it alot after my mum passed sometimes with tears running down my face. Bimi how would we make sense of this life without God?Thank God for the privilege of knowing him...


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