Wednesday, 7 September 2016

In the words of Vic O "Why all these evilzz?"

Verse of the day- Psalm 23:1 "The lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" (Selah)

Hi People,
Today my post is the about the 8th wonder of this world "The evil in the heart of men" be it a lie or some form of deceit. Fact still remains there is way too much evil going on and may God help us all amen. 
In that light, I just have to ask this question with the voice of Vic O " WHY all these evilzz?". Why is it that a sister cannot walk down the street anymore without being lied to? It really confuses me sometimes when I see beggars with hands and legs asking you for money (not that I don't sympathise with them) but I just think we all have same legs and hands and we can choose to do what we want with it.

Don't get me wrong, I know it is easier for some because of their background/family support setting etc.  But overall, what just annoys me is when you give money out of a good heart to beggars and then you find out you have been played in the process or they throw the money back in your face (especially Nigerian beggars, they are known for that nonsense).

I remember once I was walking to get some groceries, I had this guy stop me to ask for help with some money to get an Oyster card, he mentioned the Police had already picked on him that day as he didn't have money to travel around so he had jumped on a train without a ticket, got caught and was penalised. Anyway if I am honest the story he gave me was not really adding up to me, but he did look distressed so I decided to help.

He couldn't have been more than 20+ years old, wearing a rough shirt and tailored grey trousers. From experience I knew better than to give random people money but as I was in a hurry, I gave him some money to get an Oyster card. Fast forward 30mins later on my way back from the grocery store, guess who I saw again? Same guy and he was telling exactly the same story he told me to this other woman who was pushing a buggy. At that point I really wanted to slap myself for trusting him but then remembered my face deserved better lol. So I decided to go and stand next to the woman and give him the look:

The minute he saw me he just froze mid sentence in shock, turned and ran away, I was so pissed. I then explained to the lady what had happened and she thanked me and walked away.

Precisely 3 months later, this same guy walks up to me and tells me the same story again (this time I had changed my hairstyle so I don't think he recognised me) ohhh i was tempted to give him a slap then pick the race of my life but I knew he would probably catch me and that wouldn't be a nice ending so i just parked that thought to the side  gently like a lady should. 

But I had to ask myself hang on, am I wearing a "Mugun" poster on my forehead  or something?". Anyways I knew what to do so I said to him "Come with me let me give you something." I was simply walking him towards the policemen standing by the corner of the mall to verify his story with them but something must have clicked  because all of a sudden he stopped and ran away again.

I just thought to myself, these are the kind of people that abuse the heart of a good Samaritan.
With this kind of situation do you keep giving random beggars money or do you just buy them exactly what they need? Or not even give at all.

At least I have learnt that if a story is not adding up, "Biko start subtracting mentally" lol.
(food for thought). And for those of you who don't know about Vic O, here you go : Why evils video

Be Good.

Live, laugh  and love.

Just Bae

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Boss from Heaven...errr NOT... more like from He**..!!!!

Have you ever had one of those bosses that has you saying " Thank God I found Jesus"? You know those kind of bosses (mostly female) that when you see them all you can see is a red faced devil with horns in front of their head. At some point you have either dreamt of:
  • Slapping them up a few times.
  • Sending some people to rough them up (I mean maximum shi shi kinda thing).
  • Spitting in the coffee you nicely volunteered to make for them.
  • Hoped they slip on a banana peel and fall face flat before a meeting (well hopefully with no broken bones..).
  • Hoped they just decide to work from home 4 days a week then get fired for being mean.

And while you are speaking to them face to face all these thoughts (listed above) are running through your mind? God help my mind though lol... lets not lie we all have these thoughts sometimes when someone at work e.g. Boss/Colleague gets on your last nerve.

Well a close friend once told me about his boss, in fact he referred to this boss as demon 2.0 sent specifically to make his life miserable at work. He was Jejelly (pardon use of my Nigerian jargon) doing his thing in the 1st few months at the company and for some reason this boss started picking on him. Nothing he ever did was good enough...e.g. He mentioned a few times this 2.0 boss made mistakes in emails to clients and for some reason it automatically became my friends fault because he did not notify his boss to correct the mistakes before the emails was sent out. He realised he started loosing sleep and always felt agitated at work, poor thing almost lost his confidence with the role at times.

Most times he felt like he was being "Punked" or something, but then when he looked around there was definitely no Ashton Kutcher behind him, just the devil whispering stuff in the bosses
Anyways eventually the boss was transferred (talk about divine intervention) and through this experience he learnt some valuable lessons on how to handle horrible bosses of which he shared with me, see some below:
  • Know your stuff and be confident about it.
  • Always double check before contacting important clients.
  • Keep asking questions if you are unsure at least until you are sure :).
  • Learn the heck how to play healthy office politics if not, you will soon hear "Its all over Jackie".
  • Find a healthy work life balance (Work smart not too hard, you are not anyone's Monkey)
  • Learn to say "NO" in a diplomatic way if you feel you are being pushed to do what's not priority to your role but explain clearly and nicely.
  • Try not to be confrontational and develop more people skills (read books, take tests and practise with friends if you have to).

I hope I never have to go through that though but I honestly feel God maybe allows these things to happen to us sometimes to build up our resistance and learn how to deal with different types of people. I think this happens a lot to workers but the companies do nothing about this sadly.

That's all from me for now, just thought to share. Remember to leave a comment below if you had this kind of experience before.

Be good.

Live, laugh and love.

Just Bae

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